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Saturday 16 December 2017

Araoye Victoria Gift - Fhmc Horticultural Analyst

From early stage,almost everyone detests and try to avoid been a farmer,and this occur mostly among the youths..It all started from primary sch,99% of student want to be a doctor, an engineer, a nurse,a lawyer, a pilot and so on.9% of d 10% left are not sure of what dey will do wit there life,while d 1% due to how poor dey are will choose to be a farmer...
From this we can see that right from primary school level people tend to run away from agriculture, now the question is why?.
From the onset,farming or a career in agriculture is classified as a poor man's business.Even in primary and secondary school nowadays,cultivation of crop in d school garden is been used as punishment for any offence committed by students which as made young people hate agriculture.
In higher institutions,student who enroll in agricultural courses do it as a fallback plan,not something they are passionate about.Reason been that they view it as an alternative due to their low mark in d course dey initially applied for.
Its now up to each and everyone of us to have d right view abt agriculture,because its d only means by which we can all survive.No food,no life.
Parents especially have a crucial role to play here, stop telling your child "if you don't take your education serious,you'll end up been a farmer".This is obviously wrong.
Let them no how important this agriculture is.
And as for we youths, let stop looking down on agricultural students bcos we are a law student.And for agricultural students, please lets be proud of wat we do and cultivate a good self esteem.
Be proud to stand up and say I AM AN AGRICULTURIST....

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